Available Now!

Special Edition of Stata for large datasets now available

Stata/SE is ready and we think you are going to like it!

Stata/SE allows Stata users to analyze larger datasets. Specifically,

  • Datasets may contain up to 32,766 variables.
  • Datasets may contain string variables with longer strings – up to 244 characters.
  • Matrices may be up to 11,000 x 11,000, subject to available memory, thus allowing users to estimate models with more independent variables and to estimate certain panel-data models with larger time-series within panel.

These limits are a substantial increase from those of Intercooled Stata with its 2,047 maximum variables, 80-character maximum string length, and an 800 x 800 maximum size of matrices.

Frequently asked Questions

Is Stata/SE a new release of Stata? No. It is Stata/SE 7.0. There are now three flavors of Stata: Small Stata (suitable for student use), Intercooled Stata (the "standard" version), and Stata/SE (the big version).

How large of a computer do I need to run Stata/SE? A computer with 64 megabytes of memory is adequate, but the larger your computer, the bigger the problems that can be handled by Stata/SE.

Does Stata/SE provide support for 64-bit computers? Yes.

Can I still run Intercooled Stata? Yes. There is no reason, however, that you would want to do that except for the security of knowing that you can.

Has the dataset format changed for Stata/SE? Yes, but there is no problem. Stata/SE will read Intercooled Stata datasets, and both Intercooled and Small Stata 7 have been updated to automatically read Stata/SE datasets, assuming the datasets are not too big.

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